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對任何蚊蟲咬傷 有神奇的功效

濕疹 過敏 可舒緩

滾在頭皮上 可醒腦



成份 :薄荷腦, 龍腦香.

$200/ 滾珠瓶 10g $500/ 補充精油瓶 35g


Amazing Relief For All insects Bites. Relieves Eczema & Allergic Rashes. Roll on Scalp to Feel InvigoratedFor soar throat, put 2 drops in warm water, drink it slowly, helps to calm throat inflammation. Ingredients: menthol, borneol.


$200/ roller 10g $500/ refills 35g

消炎止癢醒腦棒Anti-Itch Cooling Balm


    About Us

    Shine's Garden is a small family owned business based in Taiwan. We use organic/ all natural ingredients, and the simplest packaging for the purpose of reducing garbage. 

    We don't have online shopping option yet, but do offer international shipping. Please Email or message via FB to figure out the payment methods and  shipping options!


    Shine's Garden 是成立於台灣的小型事業, 我們的產品使用全天然和有機原料, 皂為天然油脂手工皂化製成,非起泡劑添加。為垃圾減量, 採減塑少紙的簡易包裝.

    我們目前還沒有線上刷卡購物的功能,但我們有接國際訂單,訂購相關方式及運送措施, 請Email 或臉書傳訊洽詢.

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