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細節請詳見海報, 歡迎經由此網站來信,或經由FB,IG 私訊詢問或預約,加Line



 Details please see the poster.

It's easy to miss friends & massages requsts via Line,

so Welcome to message me through this website, FB or IG. 



 Donation Based

Treatment/ Claases.



光之園亦提供免費的療程或課程, 瑜珈/筋膜放鬆, 靈氣療癒,撥筋都可報名,你損款一個小時 $500NT到原價之間的金額,隨喜樂捐,收到的款項,光之園捐贈至台灣地球公民基金會,幫助推動台灣環境保護, 或不定時捐贈給其他需要捐款的人。 歡迎來訊預約時間。

To benefit more people and contribute more to environment protection. 

Shine's Garden offers donation based treatment as well.

You are welcome to sign up  for  yoga/ Myofascial release class, reiki or bojin massage treatment for $500nt/H or however amount you like to donate for.  

The money either goes to Global Citizen non-profit organization to help protecting the environment, or goes to others who need the donation from time to time.  Message me to schedule an charity appointment any time.

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Myofascial Release Classes
各類瑜珈冥想/ 筋膜放鬆 私課

Reiki Healing Sessions 

Welcome to schedule a private class

or treatment.


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