All Natural Organic Skin Care
&Healing Practices

或經由FB,IG 私訊詢問或預約
Welcome to message me
through this website, FB or IG
for making an appointment.
Donation Based
Treatment/ Claases.
光之園亦提供免費的療程或課程, 瑜珈/筋膜放鬆, 靈氣療癒,撥筋都可報名,你損款一個小時 $500NT到原價之間的金額,隨喜樂捐,收到的款項,光之園捐贈至台灣地球公民基金會,幫助推動台灣環境保護, 或不定時捐贈給其他需要捐款的人。 歡迎來訊預約時間。
To benefit more people and contribute more to environment protection.
Shine's Garden offers donation based treatment as well.
You are welcome to sign up for yoga/ Myofascial release class, reiki or bojin massage treatment for $500nt/H or however amount you like to donate for.
The money either goes to Global Citizen non-profit organization to help protecting the environment, or goes to others who need the donation from time to time. Message me to schedule an charity appointment any time.

Myofascial Release Classes
各類瑜珈冥想/ 筋膜放鬆 私課
Reiki Healing Sessions

Welcome to schedule private classes
& healing sessions.