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用大約1 CC的按摩油塗抹在腹部或是其他身體部位需要的地方, 慢慢深呼吸+ 按摩約10分鐘.可減緩經痛及放鬆神經. 用量不需太多.

成份: 有機蓖麻籽油,絲柏/ 桂花/ 玫瑰天竺葵/ 依蘭依蘭/ 薄荷/ 羅勒/ 尤加利/ 薰衣草/ 丁香精油.


Rub about 1c.c. of the oil on the belly or other parts of your body where is needed. Inhale deeply while massage it for 10 minutes. It calms your nerves and cramps.A little bit goes a long way!

Ingredients: organic castor oil, cypress/ osmanthus/ geranium/ ylang ylang/ mint/ basil/ eucalyptus/ lavender/ clove essential oils. 


可選 滾珠瓶或精油滴瓶

Roller or essential oil bottle of your choice. 

經痛按摩油Cramp Relief Massage Oil


    Great menstral cramp reliever.  Calms nerves, help with sleeping problems.

    舒緩經痛, 放鬆神精, 

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