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¶ 抗憂: 緊張焦慮時,想增加愉悅心情時使用。

No.1: 甜橙/山雞椒/快樂鼠尾草/松針/檜木精油,黃金荷荷芭油。

No.2: 佛手柑/薰衣草/羅文莎葉/廣藿香精油,黃金荷荷芭油。


¶ 專注: 需要集中精神和記憶力時使用,適合開車,開會,上課,學習前。

No.1: 薄荷/尤加利/迷迭香/乳香精油,黃金荷荷芭油。

No.2: 佛手柑/羅勒/檸檬/薄荷,黃金荷荷芭油。


¶ 深層放鬆: 舒緩生理期的不適。 成份:絲柏/桂花/玫瑰天竺葵/依蘭依蘭/薄荷/羅勒/尤加利/薰衣草/丁香精油,有機蓖麻子油。



1, 將瓶身放在鼻前直接深呼吸靜心。 滴幾滴在掌心搓揉,將掌心放在面前,深呼吸幾回靜心,最後將掌中的能量油擦在身上。

2, 精油泡泡浴: 滴在加入皂液的浴缸中泡澡。

3, 滴入精油燭台擴香。




Anti-Anxiety: Use it when feeling stressed, anxious, or just simply when looking for joyful lift.

No.1: sweet orange/ litsea cubeba/ clary sage/ meniki essential oils, golden jojoba oil.

No.2: bergament lavender, ravensara, patchouli essential oils golden jojoba oil.


Focus: Help to enhance memory ability and to be more focused such as at the beginning of driving, meetings, classes, and studies. No.1: mint/ eucalyptus/ rosemary/ frankincense essential oils, golden Jojoba oil.

No.2: basil/ lemon/ bergamot/ mint essential oils, golden jojoba oil.


Deep Relaxation: Relief menstrual cramps with cypress/ osmanthus fragrans/ rose geranium/ mint/ basil/ eucalyptus/ lavender/ clove essential oils, organic castor oil.



1, inhale directly from the open the bottle, or put a few drops in the palms place palms in front of your nose inhale deeply and meditate. Apply on parts of your body.

2, drop it with soap in bathtub. 

3, Use it in a heated essential oil diffuser.

靜心能量油Meditation Oil

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